Sunday, February 28, 2010

MCA, Gaffa Gallery & The Sydney High Lock

When heading out and running late the quickest way for me to get into the city is to cycle over to Sydenham Station, lock up my bike and catch the train. Last Thursday on my way to the new Gaffa Gallery in Sydney that is exactly what I did but imagine my complete surprise when arriving at the lock-up-spot at the station I saw my first 'High Locked' bike in Sydney. Apparently this is an imported idea from the NYC cycling scene. Whilst I was delighted in how the bike framed a curious composition with the city in the background; I was at the same time rather bemused as to why someone had taken so much trouble locking up such a basic commuter bike. We shall most likely never know.

The new Gaffa Gallery is a multi storied wonder and the MCA Staff Show was a great way for me to experience Gaffa's new gallery spaces. After photographing artist Mark Booth downstairs (The B&W Portrait) we able to head upstairs and cavort with the artists and friends on the roof top.

Commuter Bike High Loca at Sydenham Station


Flower Sculpture

Portrait of Mark Booth with Artwork
Portrait of Mark Booth

Gaffa Gallery Roof Top Crowd, MCA Show

Street Fashion, Red Lips and Flowal Summer Dress in Blue & Red

Gaffa Gallery Roof Top Crowd, MCA Show, Busted!

The View from Gaffa Gallery along Clarence Street.

25 February - 9 March 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

ime Launch 'At Perry Lane'

I have attended a few launches and shows at 'At Perry Lane' now. Its a rather sweet courtyard cafe on the weekend and a funky public/private gallery space during the week. On Wednesday the 17th it was Daniele Blaauw's and her new ime jewellery ranges turn to bask in the spotlight. Of course as usual I was doing a fair bit of people watching in between knocking over a few Coopers beers.

At Perry Lane, ime jewellery launch

Pink ime Helper

Real Aussie Bloke Style

Yellow ime necklace

More Aussie Bloke Style

The Red ime Necklace

Blue Shoes, At Perry Lane

Strangely I seemed to find the men winning in style stakes on this night; or maybe it was just that the men had some unique Aussie style (no, mens Aussie style is not an oxymoron) at this launch that got the better of my cameras attention.

Of course the jewellery got plenty of attention as well and after sending a phone camera pic to stylist Rhiannon Bulley I was instructed to secure a couple of pieces for our 'Le Magazine' photoshoot this weekend.

You can see the ime jewellery range for yourself at Akwa Avenue, 78 Enmore Rd Newtown or call 9565 5803.