But what the on earth could have possessed me to leave this fab Freya, FANTASIE, elomi, FAUVE lingerie & swimwear post on the back-burner for the past 2 to 3 weeks? Well I have been busy (yawn) and I have had a devilishly slow computer. Or is that a dervish-ly possessed computer that has had me spinning round-and-round - never mind I have come to my senses and here is what Kat & I saw at that Freya FAUVE FANTASIE and elomi launch which also spun us both round and round and round...
Fortunately I had the company of Miss Katerina Roth again & as always bow to her superior knowledge of all things under the outerwear. Both our opinions on the quality and style of what we saw was reinforced while chatting with Janine from Eveden Group after the show and it went a little like this; Quality, Fit, Quality, Fit; and of course beautiful and fabulous styles! And all this in real womens sizes; for, you know, real women! Apparently they did have some trouble finding the right /real sized models for the parade; but as you can see they triumphed in the end.
Thanks Eveden & Symbol PR for having Street Fashion Sydney again at a simply fabulous Sydney launch. And girls, ladies, women; click those links at the top of the page to visit the lingerie brand websites to see all the styles sizing and fitting information.