Lo and behold the very next afternoon I get a call from Nyk asking me if I would #2 for him shooting the Red Carpet at the 57th Sydney Film Festival. Of course I just happened to already be in the city but the equipment was split between the studio in Glebe and my house in Marrickville. Off I rushed to grab all the bits I needed (Old School Style : 2 Bodies, Fixed focal length lenses; no zooms)! What with the atrocious weather we have been having in Sydney I only just made the cut-off for being locked in/out of the media pit, not such a bad thing, everyone else had already been standing around checking their equipment, comparing folios on their iPhones etc forever!
Although I had started having mixed feelings about helping out as I was reminded I was running too late; I surprised my self and ended up having a great time. And since I arrived a little late I was at the back of the narrow pit, no worries there at 6'6" in my Cuban Heels. There was great fashion on both sides of the Red Carpet. My 'proper' shots have been sent off to the USA but the Street Fashion Sydney (yes I called that name out proud) shots from the other side delivered some lovely outfits and my fav the man in the check suit. Fantastic. Not to mention some shots of my friend Yianni working the mike for his show Yianni's City Life on TVS. Yes its just a little further down the dial.
Yianni's interview with Miranda Otto.
And by the way, last week I heard that Blogging is Dead! Well that very well may be true though I rather get the feeling that it is the bloggers are dead tired of writing every day for free... Makes me happy that I only ever post when I think I have something to say and some original 'content' to share. After all it takes time to make, collect and collate good content. As a matter of fact I think thats what the Sydney Film Festival is all about; collecting, collating and sharing. It's on until the 14th so go get yourself some filmic goodness and don't forget to dress up, you never know who's watching.