Showing posts with label Ferrari. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ferrari. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Sydney Italian Festival launch party at Doltone House.

Well what a great way to launch a month of all things Italian in Sydney; Prosecco and Peroni, Ferrari, Maserati and Vespa, Italian Food, Italian Fashion, Italian Food, Italian Design, Italian Food, did I mention Italian Food! Of course I did because it is perhaps Italy's most famous export. And while there are those who will argue for the great design work of the Italians and fast beautiful cars, beautiful women and handsome men in superb Italian fashion, Italian fashion. Take your pick! There's a lot to like, then Italian films; Inspector Montalbano; travel to Italian cities and countryside, take a Roman Holliday!  I could go on, I will stop, FOLLOW the LINK to find out more of what's on in Sydney in the coming weeks!
Chef Andrea Tranchero cooking Barilla pasta at the Sydney Italian Festival Launch - Street Fashion Sydney
Vivienne from vivalaViv arrives at the Sydney Italian Festival Launch - Street Fashion Sydney
Opening speeches to launch the Sydney Italian Festival Launch - Street Fashion Sydney
VIP,s Italian Trade Agency, Sydney Italian Festival Launch - Street Fashion Sydney
Piaggio VESPA Australia at Sydney Italian Festival Launch - Street Fashion Sydney
Speeches to launch the Sydney Italian Festival Launch - Street Fashion Sydney
Sicilian Iced treats! Sydney Italian Festival Launch - Street Fashion Sydney
VIP's mingling at the Sydney Italian Festival Launch - Street Fashion Sydney
Drinks and smiles from Casa Italia, Sydney Italian Festival Launch - Street Fashion Sydney
Photos on the Appian Way on a Piaggio VESPA Australia. Sydney Italian Festival Launch - Street Fashion Sydney
Chef Andrea Tranchero Barilla pasta dishes ready at the Sydney Italian Festival Launch - Street Fashion Sydney
Mr Haggerty and Milo Elder at the Sydney Italian Festival Launch - Street Fashion Sydney
Friends talk and mingle at the Sydney Italian Festival Launch - Street Fashion Sydney
Vivienne Shui - vivalaViv and Kent Johnson - Street Fashion Sydney as VIP guests at the Sydney Italian Festival Launch - Street Fashion Sydney #sydneyitalianfestival

Need a Photographer? 
Kent Johnson, Sydney, Australia.
0433 796 863