Showing posts with label Grand Palais. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grand Palais. Show all posts

Thursday, July 13, 2017

A walk through Paris for Bastille Day

OK these 25 pictures were actually made during the first leg of our month in France, or late spring; but after a month of shooting every day all I can say is I have a virtual mountain of images.. so here's a collection taken from several walks, trips on one Sunday in Paris (which is what this post would have been called had I completed it last week). From the backstreets of Dupleix when I head out for croissants to a location scout at Champ de Mars - for that 'perfect' Tour Eiffel shot.. and meet a green grocer with the best looking punnets of wild berries I have ever seen. Later Viv and I headed over to Invalides then Musée Rodin and back to the hotel via Pont Alexandre III - where we did a fashion shoot; it was the most crowded Vivienne had ever seen it. Of course if you are anywhere actually near that big iron tower you will see a lot of souvenir sellers and I have kept it down to just two pictures at Bir-Hakeim metro, for now. Regardless of a day of exertion we headed out again; down Boulevard de Grenelle to La Cantine du Troquet Dupleix for a fantastic diner. So stay tuned for that, it's coming as a separate post soon. So happy Bastille Day to one and all, I hope you enjoy my pictures from one day in Paris!
Tour Eiffel; Paris; France from Rue de Buenos Ayres. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Fruit seller with punnet of wild berries on Rue Desaix, Paris. Photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Paroisse Saint Léon, Dupleix, Paris. Photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Window and iron work details on Avenue Charles Floquet, Paris, France. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Female cyclist in yellow and white polka  dot summer dress. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Apartment blocks and street in light and shadow, Dupleix, Paris. Photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Apartment block in reflected light, Dupleix, Paris. Photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Bakery Poilâne, 49 Boulevard de Grenelle. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Apartment block in light and shadow, Dupleix, Paris. Photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
A souvenir seller with his collection of Eiffel Tour and selfie sticks, metro Bir-Hakeim. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
View of the elevated metro line at Bir-Hakeim. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
A souvenir seller setting up his display metro Bir-Hakeim. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
A pedal car restaurant on the streets near Rue de l'Université. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
A gateway festooned with French flags on Rue de l'Université. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Youths walking near Invalides. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Musée Rodin, Paris and dome of Tombeau de Napoléon. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Sculptures, Musée Rodin, Paris. Photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Sculpture detail, Musée Rodin, Paris. Photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Inside Musée Rodin, Paris. Photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Garden and sculpture Musée Rodin Paris, Eiffel tour in background. Photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Anselm Kiefer, KIEFER RODIN; 14 March - 22 Octobre 2017 at the Musée Rodin, Paris, France. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
A golden winged stallion seen from behind, Pont Alexandre III. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Cherub sculpture, selfies and wedding photography taking place on Pont Alexandre III. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Sculpture with four horses and the glass and iron roof of the Grand Palais with the French flag waving in the breeze. Paris photos by Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.

Telling Stories in Pictures all over..
Kent Johnson, Sydney, Australia.
0433 796 863