Showing posts with label Sheffer Gallery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheffer Gallery. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2012

Art Never Sleeps - While fashion takes a Nanna Nap!

Yes while the art galleries and artists of Sydney are hard at work making and showing art; my inbox has been strangely void of invitations to fashion events save for an invite to a 'socks' launch I sadly failed to attend last Thursday. (sorry guys next time I promise). All the while my gallery list just keeps on listing more and more shows every week; sure its not all work by the same artist but if you think of the much vaunted 'new turnovers-of-range' à la Zara; ART and Galleries are turning around and 'dropping' new Art even faster! Try thinking of the gallery as the Brand, Art as the Range.. So all this art activity VS not-so-much fashion activity has had me thinking about the nature of both these pursuits, and not just in terms of how you market yourself but also in terms of creative output and work put in - how you go about it. And last night a close friend and working/exhibiting/professional artist brought up the hoary old question (in a perfectly nice way) of the gulf between the amateur who would be a professional and the Artist who is; and the difference that does involve.

Of course, as you would,  I am putting this downturn in fashion's largesse of event and party to a downturn in trade and perhaps minding a pre-decimal currency penny while waiting for the customers to 'drop' (and-spend) like a new range 'drops' (perhaps with below average look-books shot by well meaning amateurs not the professional who could... to save a penny) or so they say - and maybe we will have a little launch party when the next range really does 'drop'. Which also brings me to the world-wide-runway-juggernauts known quite simply as brought-to-you-BUY this Brand Fashion Week. Now I love a runway show as much as the next person but I do sometimes think that these big shows have become a bit of a one-stop-marketing-shop, a wonder drug and a fashion panacea that has taken some of the creativity out of the fashion marketing game and gobbled up a large proportion of smaller players budgets. No its not cheap to participate in. Not to mention - and I will, the love of the 'like' button (yes please do like and share this post; ah the sweet irony) and social networking... is this all... So its great to go to art openings and they are happening all-the-time regardless of budgets. And I do know that probably no-one works harder than people in fashion, though many artists work very hard too; but a downturn does not slow down art's parties; though sales may be a little slow; the trade goes on, the celebration continues; now that's something I like - pun intended; something to think about while I await my next fabulous Fashion Event to Drop!

So here's how Art fared last week (tip of the iceberg really), and what people wore, style wise; mouse over for details, gallery and show info links below..

China Heights

Couple, tattoos, full sleeve, Black Tee & Jeans A Study of Hands Friday, China Heights Gallery  - Fujifilm X-Pro1

Orange Tee, tattoos, A Study of Hands Friday, October 26 at 6:00pm at China Heights

Chunky black boots and shoes, A Study of Hands Friday, October 26 at 6:00pm at China Heights

Karki hiking backpack with groovy stickers on clear plastic. A Study of Hands Friday, October 26 at 6:00pm at China Heights

Film Camera, Chunky boots and black tights, A Study of Hands Friday, October 26 at 6:00pm at China Heights

Mod style with layering, white boots, A Study of Hands Friday, October 26 at 6:00pm at China Heights

Heavy gold chain necklace, Red Bull in both hands, A Study of Hands Friday, October 26 at 6:00pm at China Heights

Skate boards and empty beer bottles, A Study of Hands Friday, October 26 at 6:00pm at China Heights

Tattoo, White Tee, Baseball Cap, Blue Shirt as jacket, Champion Ruby, Smoking, A Study of Hands Friday, October 26 at 6:00pm at China Heights

Fire Gallery

Anna Wheeler artist portrait at Fire Gallery Sydney - Fire Gallery 22 Enmore Road, Newtown

Plump Gallery

Porthole windows, Timber, Wire, Tire solo exhibition by Mark Swartz, Plump Gallery - 240 Enmore Road, Sydney

Art through the window, Timber, Wire, Tire solo exhibition by Mark Swartz, Plump Gallery - 240 Enmore Road, Sydney

Sexes - Carriage Works

Perforamnce piece, five women, Performance Space - 245 Wilson St Eveleigh, Sydney

Cigdem Aydemir, Burka installation, Sexes, Performance Space - 245 Wilson St Eveleigh, Sydney

Frasers, CUB development site

Outdoor large scale sculpture, Frasers, CUB development site Broadway Sydney

Sheffer Gallery

Artist Portrait, Gilbert Grace - Luminous, Sheffer Gallery - 38 Lander street, Darlington

Black boots, black 'dinner shirt' dress, Luminous, Sheffer Gallery - 38 Lander street, Darlington

Sandles, rust jeans and burgundy jacket over olive V tee, Luminous, Sheffer Gallery - 38 Lander street, Darlington

Street fashion portrait with removable bike handlebar light and bell set, Luminous, Sheffer Gallery - Fujifilm X-Pro1
My picture from China Heights...
Cityscape with pink clouds and silhouette, taken from China Heights A Study of Hands.
Fire Gallery (Anna Wheeler) 22 Enmore Rd Newtown Sydney - Facebook
Plump Gallery, 240 Enmore Road, Enmore, Sydney - Facebook
Sexes, Gilbert Grace - Luminous
My own little 'luminous landscape' taken from the window at China Heights. Composite Image..

Comments welcome.

All pictures made with the inimitable Fujifilm X-Pro1.