Showing posts with label wheelie bins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wheelie bins. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Two water cannon hold a pissing contest - But is it Art?

Or is it a Fountain? The thing that did surprise me most about the giant motorised pump bucket bongs was that the large plastic wheelie bins they were constructed from were embossed,  I ❤ BNE - BCC 2014/15, and they were a long way from home. For quite a while now I have had the feeling that a change over of the art-guard was happening and this work at KUDOS Gallery, again confirmed that things were moving on; I mean what do you do when everything you want to know about is just a click away; and human kinds 'natural' 'superiority' may be on the verge of being eclipsed by machine super intelligence; that may, or may not want to make art too? Make a video? Live stream the web? Are two buckets shooting perfumed jets of water at one another art, live streaming? Perhaps the writing is on the wall; Fountain R. Mutt; after all most of it is kind of ready-made..
Sarah Poulgrain and Llewellyn Millhouse, 
Exchange of fluids, 2016 
KUDOS Gallery, Sydney Australia.
Sarah Poulgrain and Llewellyn Millhouse, 
Exchange of fluids, 2016 
KUDOS Gallery, Sydney Australia.
Sarah Poulgrain and Llewellyn Millhouse, 
Exchange of fluids, 2016 
KUDOS Gallery, Sydney Australia.
Sarah Poulgrain and Llewellyn Millhouse, 
Exchange of fluids, 2016 
KUDOS Gallery, Sydney Australia.
Sarah Poulgrain and Llewellyn Millhouse, 
Exchange of fluids, 2016 
KUDOS Gallery, Sydney Australia.
Sarah Poulgrain and Llewellyn Millhouse, 
Exchange of fluids, 2016 
KUDOS Gallery, Sydney Australia.

Sarah Poulgrain and Llewellyn Millhouse,
Exchange of fluids, 2016.
SafARI 2016
KUDOS Gallery, Sydney Australia.

Telling Stories in Pictures all over Sydney..
Kent Johnson, Sydney, Australia.
0433 796 863