Thank god there were plenty of Peroni Beers, no end of great catering including the biggest (but only just) paella I have ever seen, cocktails, and security to keep the wild natives of Sydney (no problem with the Melbourne or Perth ring-ins) on track and on-message for the onslaught of Diesel Island Downunder.
Special DJ Alexandra Richards spun real vinyl, The 'Pioneers' sung the anthem of the island, now that was interesting! And by and large I had a great time and meet some lovely people too. And while doing my research, I 'discovered' like a great Pioneer myself that the fantastic photography for the campaign was shot by Guy Aroch (link below), now if I could just land myself a nice little gig like the Diesel Island campaign I might be able to afford more negativity in my life too !~)

But then, this is fashion, we have been there before, this time its the same, same only different. A bonus tune from back-in-the-day..
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