Showing posts with label McLean Edwards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McLean Edwards. Show all posts

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Art, The Universe, The Meaning of Everything - Not Too Bad!

It's always interesting how not-quite-random events coupled with a little free association can deliver a whole new interpretation of something that was not, one supposes curated in that way, or to be more specific with that interpretation in mind. But these things happen and on Thursday evening what was happening at Martin Browne Contemporary was two artists; McLean Edwards for "Local Heroes", fictitious Character portraits (or are they) and Lucas Grogan with "Wizdom". Make what you will of Grogan's Mandala-esque PENIS and Tantric meditation and dream sequences around the PENIS all done in white on blue, blue balls anyone.. there was a regular stream of viewers being drawn deeply into into his artwork "A Pale Blue Dot" which invisible micro penises aside (I didn't see any here) truly is a beautiful work that stands, or seems/seemed to stand out as a window to a mediation on the universe.

And this is where a little free association becomes interesting as the partnered exhibition is by an artist who has chosen to date his artworks by his age rather than In The Year Of Our Saviour XXXX AD.. and that year this year so it would seem, is 42.

Contemplation - A Pale Blue Dot - Martin Browne Contemporary - Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
A message from the universe iPhone therefore iAm - A Pale Blue Dot - Martin Browne Contemporary - Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
A message from the universe iPhone therefore iAm. 
Black boots quilted black shoulder bag; A Pale Blue Dot - Martin Browne Contemporary - Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Abstract pattern play suit with black long sleeve undershirt - Martin Browne Contemporary - Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Leopard print coat, black stockings, black ankle boots - Martin Browne Contemporary - Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Artist Portrait of Lucas Grogan with painting A Pale Blue Dot - Martin Browne Contemporary - Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Artist Portrait of Lucas Grogan with painting A Pale Blue Dot.
Portrait of the artist McLean Edwards at Martin Browne Contemporary - Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Portrait of the artist McLean Edwards with his painting 'The Girlfriend'.
 RED- Jacket and HAT- Martin Browne Contemporary - Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
Red beanie and sloppy joe - Martin Browne Contemporary - Kent Johnson for Street Fashion Sydney.
It was certainly a magic night; it seemed even Santa and the elves were there for the ride!