Friday night I popped into
Sarah Cottier Gallery in Paddington for the current double header show, John Spiteri in gallery 1 and Huseyin Sami showing in gallery 2. As much as I enjoyed the abstract canvases in gallery 1; it was the thick and colourful slumped-vinyl-paint 'canvases' of Huseyin's works that really caught my eye. Why? Well initially I liked the idea that there were these handbag-like artworks on the wall in rather nice colour schemes (or colorways as they now say in the design/fashion trade (I have so have never liked that term))... And, after I had been introduced to Husyin I asked him if he would mind if I referred to the works as 'Art Handbags', he sort of laughed and smiled. Thank you Husyin for humouring me and thank you for your show 'The art of ending a conversation'. Well I wonder what that's about! Anyway, I loved the show and our man was charming and there's my portrait below too;
it's on now until the 2nd of August.