Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas, Art & Culture in Brisbane..

A Street Fashion Sydney Special Edition..

It will be of little to no surprise to many of my Sydney readers that people in Brisbane celebrate Christmas too. This is a very well known phenomenon down south; quite simply because so many Sydneysiders actually come from Brisbane in the first place (or second place; more or less, in my case). Yes Brissie, Brisvegas as the locals say or.. "River City" (thank you River City Tiles of Stones Corner for alerting me to this fine alternative name for Brisbane) is my real home town and like so many who after a fine education in Qld have headed off elsewhere; I have made the pilgrimage home for the festive season. However unlike the last couple of brief trips, years apart; I have managed to head into the city and the inner city areas and take a look around and see and experience first hand the changes that have been taking place; and there have been many changes indeed.

Firstly Brisbane now has an extensive and cheap (to free) City Bike Network making it ridiculously easy to grab a bike, cycle to a new destination - drop/lock it into the nearest station.. I LOVE this! The locals I know all seem to think no-one is using these bikes but I can tell them its not true; as I was mounting-up for my first ride, someone else was about to take their first ride too - and bikes should be in the racks guys; if the racks are empty it would mean they have all been stolen.. Good work Brisbane.

Mouse over images for details; keep reading, more text below..
Ian from Sonic Shades and a Pin-Up Style lamp shade - West End Twilight Markets Brisbane.

City Cycle Station outside the RIALTO Theatre, West End Brisbane.

West End Twilight Markets Brisbane.

Lauren wearing RaRa Superstar at West End Twilight Markets Brisbane.

Go Massive Artists, seems to be the main theme at GOMA the new for me Gallery of Modern Art on Brisbane's South Bank. Where we once referred to the Modernist architectural style of the Queensland Art Gallery as the Culture Bunker; there is now a large, vast and connected series of Culture Bunkers - in fact there is now so much Art, Culture and Recreation on the South Bank that I can see oh so clearly that a HUGE CULTURE GAP has emerged between the South and the North and no doubt, some time soon some sort of Culture Fence along the QLD NSW border must surely arise to keep the poor Southern peoples out of Queensland unless they have a very-good-reason to be here and possibly some sort of cultural passport to get in...

Mind you if art on a massive scale is NOT your cup-of-tea or preferred beverage, or you are looking for art you can fit on YOUR wall; you can always get an Art Snack which according to their Facebook page is so-new I very nearly stumbled upon the grand opening.. Trust SFS to sniff out the new affordable & real home-scale art!
Art Snack - Gallery, Shop, South Bank Brisbane.

While in Brisbane I have decided to continue my personal project documenting the Post War (that's World War 2 for the younger readers)  homes in the area I grew up in. While everyone is quite familiar with classic Queenslander style of home; the much later post war style of home, outside of Brisbane home owners at least seem to have been largely ignored. For this project I am mostly interested in finding the homes that are still pretty much as they were when they were built, right down to a treeless and mostly 'unimproved' block of land. It's with mixed feelings that I can report that homes on treeless blocks are becoming increasingly rare as these once nearly leafless streets and blocks are landscaped and the homes renovated and modernised;  though there still seem to be a few old skool owners who believe leaves clogging your gutters are a real nuisance and shade is for pussies! To those home owners, I thank you for holding out; at least for now.
Curved concrete footpath, Camp Hill Brisbane.

40's 50's weatherboard home on a treeless block of land, Carina Brisbane.
Art Snack

Street Fashion Sydney 'Special Edition' - shot with the Fujifilm X-Pro1.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Raffles 2012 Graduate Fashion Design Show - The Beginning..

Graduation; it's not the end - it's just the beginning..

Lets hope you have made it all the way through your course pretty much unscathed; you have passed your assessments and made the grade - you still have the creative fire burning in your heart; you are going to be a fashion designer. This commitment is great news because - Your graduate show is NOT the End it is the real Beginning of your journey into fashion; your graduate show is not just the start of this new career, it is also your first big PR Event; your first big chance to show your work to people; people whom you don't already know but... once the show is over are you ready to meet them? Probably not. That's what I took away from this student/graduate show, even from a couple of designers I sort out backstage after the show, to get their details, one week and a bit later and I can't read your email or your name you wrote in my little notebook. Where were your business cards; I gave you mine, where is the follow up? Guys, Gals, it's your big moment; I know you have been busy but if you really want to make the most of it - Be Prepared for your own success...

OK so I know I have been promising this blog post on the Raffles Fashion College Graduate runway show for over a week; its been a big selection of work to go through and much to my horror I realise that as I made my way into the show a little late (more on that later) I seemed to miss out some of the earlier designers showing work based on the "Ashen" theme. This means that I did not get any shots at all - not a one of prize winner Fatima Asanovski's designs, though I did manage to grab a portrait of her after the show (and a clearly written name and phone # thank you). My shots (mouse over the pictures for detail pop-up) have been identified where possible from the "Junction" source book provided by Raffles; but not everyone made it into the book. I am guessing that this being Fashion, not everyone had their designs ready in time to go to print. I don't think there was anyone out back sewing models into dresses but these things do happen and going-to-print lead time obviously got the better of quite a few.

Here are the pictures; not the whole show, just a selection of my 30 favourite shots; congratulations to all the graduating students and I look forward to seeing more of your designs in the future. And if my readers make it to the bottom of the post I have a little wish list of things I would like to see at Graduate shows; all graduate shows, and some details of how the Fuji X-Pro1 camera went on this fashion outing..

And one final thing, if you were not in the graduate book and see your designs below and would like them credited please email me; I am more than happy to do so.

Gold halterneck dress, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Modern Gothic Style, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Diyana Kosso - Lace top and skirt, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Space Age style, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney, Fujifilm X-Pro1 XF60mmF2.4R

Crowd watching show, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Runway, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Chattida Prasartkul - Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Gothic style, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Crowd - Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Masculine Dressing, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Rhaya Ratavosi - blouse and pants, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Crowd, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Funky Menswear, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Grace Lui - Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Grace Lui - Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Bridal, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Floral Lace Dress, skirt detail, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Amanda Noor - Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Kobe Kai - menswear, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Red Dress, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Melody Hay - Skeleton Screenprint, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Melody Hay - Skeleton Screenprint, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Will Brunton Takes a bow - Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Will Brunton - Black Dress, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Will Brunton - Sheer Black Playsuit, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Will Brunton - Gothic Fashion, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney, Fujifilm X-Pro1 XF60mmF2.4R

Yen Nhu Ngo - Weave, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Bridal style, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

Red Dress, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney
Colourful print flowing dress, Raffles College 2012 Graduate Fashion Show Carriageworks, Everleigh Sydney

My Wish List for fashion parades...

I missed the start of this show because I did not hear an announcement that the show was starting; I was happily viewing the photography portfolios, great work, and it seemed every photography graduate had made a business card; nice! But where was the announcement for the parade? So, without further...

My Fashion Show wish list with an emphasis on Graduate shows..

  • Clear announcements to get the punters into their seat for the start of the show.
  • Designers Names Up-In-Lights! It's not enough to group the designers names on-screen at the start of each design section. If there is no MC telling us who's range we are viewing it needs to be up on the big screen at the time of the designers range. No ifs, No buts. A little more work behind the scenes but not too much to ask surely.. if you don't know who it is, how can you follow-up.
  • Everyone in the Book. Seems like a No-Brainer to me; even if they have not got-it-together for the print deadline, surely they can have their name in the book!
  • Email. In the book; another no-brainer, the students not just the college; know what I'm sayin'... and Web and Phone #'s too if they are up for it. Do you want to work or want to be invisible... It's Industry night not stalker world.
  • Cards, preferably with a shot of your best design. Email and phone#. You know, so someone can offer you work or help up the ladder.
And the BIG ONE..
  • After show refreshments WITH the Fashion Design Students! Lets face it, who knows who's got the 'Right Stuff' or who you want to meet before the show? But after the parade; well that's a completely  different story. Whole new worlds of opportunity are going begging with this current set-up of; grab-your-gear-and-run as soon as the show is over. You don't need a bar full of drinks, just a meeting space and maybe some light refreshments. Who knows what great things are just waiting to unfold... I wish I could take credit for this idea but it was not mine; I'm just glad someone.. suggested it to me.
The Fujifilm X-Pro1 on Runway..
If you have been scrolling down scrolling down looking for information on how the Fuji performed, scroll no-more, here is the news. While I started out with the 35mm lens I quickly changed to theXF60mmF2.4 R  Macro to get tighter shots from my position a few rows back in the bleachers; ISO was 1250; I decided to shoot aperture priority mostly at F2.8 to soften background detail. The strength of the lighting varied quite a bit but my ISO gave me safe hand holding speeds of 200th up for most shots though the tight blue crowd shot was made by the camera.. at 1/18th! Although I could see that there was good contrast in the lighting on the runway I was wondering how well the "slower focusing" 60mm would do. But as you can see for all but one or two shots the speed required for this runway show and the accuracy of focus with the lens nearly wide open was fantastic. The sharpness of the files was so good I could have marked the garments stitch work myself; and there were a few that would have been shocked to see what the camera saw!

So the camera worked very well indeed in this situation, I did however experience some hunting right toward the end of the show; with the Fuji 'hunting' is very slow indeed and I decided to try switching to manual focus; just to see how it would go - nothing to loose.. Much to my surprise, I found it really quite easy to pull off the shots with manual focus with the EVF; the models 'popped' into focus easily; and while my efforts were not quite as accurate as the cameras auto focus they were close enough, and no hunting; the last three images of this blog post were photographed in this manner.

Street Fashion Sydney - shot with the Fujifilm X-Pro1.

Telling Stories in Pictures all over..
Kent Johnson, Sydney, Australia.
0433 796 863

Monday, December 10, 2012

Will Brunton - Gothic Erotic - Raffles Graduate Fashion Design Show

The press release for the show said "Ashen, Utopia, Bohemian, and Sub-Nation" were the themes for the designers; I for one am not sure if Will's designs are "Ashen" part of a decaying world, "Utopia" depending on your bent; or "Sub Nation" part of a new world order - but since Will's garments were more near the end of the show than the start, I think; they may be part of a new super sexy but somewhat dangerous warrior "Sub Nation" she-tribe. Personally I am wondering if Will made that fantastic double breasted suit he is wearing in his portrait  - I want one! Will, as soon as you are back from vacation; lets talk, there are many questions I need answered and I want that suit.

Will Brunton, portrait, Raffles Graduate Fashion Design Show 2012.

Gothic Erotic, Raffles Graduate show 2012, Designer Will Brunton.
Designer Will Brunton takes a bow on the runway with his models, Gothic Erotic, Raffles Graduate show 2012.

And fear not the full Raffles Graduate show post is coming soon, stay tuned!
Street Fashion Sydney - shot with the Fujifilm X-Pro1.

Sheer Black & Lace - Gothic Style Ultimo

Black Satin and lace, black stockings and boots, frayed black shorts, sheer lace bordered house coat, or something a little more intimate perhaps.. even rocking a Peplum waist under a leather harness belt - it's Gothic style with personal twists.. I spotted Cassie at the opening of the Sydney Institute of Photography Graduate show, plenty of great work, looks like a great crop of photographers, if you are in Ultimo in the next few days drop into the Muse for a look; its not on for long.. RAW Exhibition

Gothic Style, Black Satin and lace, black stockings and boots, frayed black shorts - Sydney.

Street Fashion Sydney - shot with the Fujifilm X-Pro1.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Kobe Kai - Men's Fashion - Raffles Graduate Fashion Design Show.

Last Wednesday night I was treated to viewing the Graduate Fashion Design show from the students at Raffles College. It was a pretty full on event with some very nice collections and I will be dedicating a large post to showing some of my favourite designs from the night very soon. So please follow me here with your favourite Blog reader or over on Facebook to make sure you see the posts as they happen. Apart from the show I managed to track down a few of the designers for a Street Fashion portrait on the night - think of these shots as an extension of my 'Artists at their Openings' series; I am kicking off with my portrait of Kobe Kai who showed a 'retro' 50's inspired range with colourfully patterned front shirt panels and some combat fatigue camo wear too. Ticked a few of my boxes right there! First of the series...

Introducing Kobe Kai, Fashion Designer.

Portrait, Kobe Kai menswear fashion designer, Raffles graduate show Carriage Works 2012 Sydney Australia
Kobe Kai menswear 50's style fashion design on the runway, Raffles graduate show Carriage Works 2012 Sydney Australia

Street Fashion Sydney - shot with the Fujifilm X-Pro1.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Cool Kids, Christmas Fashion Colours - Newtown.

What can you do when you see two lovely and I must say rather stylish friends at an art opening? You ask their Mums if you may take their portrait for Street Fashion Sydney! So these two young friends were at the A-M Gallery in Wilson Street Newtown (just down the street from my old warehouse studio/loft) for the end-of-year group show 'Taking Stock'. Lots of great work from very talented local artists; drop by and take a look; its just down the road from Carriage Works where I was also heading to for the Raffles College Grad show, but more on that in a later post.

And this is my very first Kids fashion post, one almost wonders if there were phone calls with "what are you wearing tonight" the two outfits look so good together.  A big thanks to the girls and thanks Mums for making this shot possible.

Cool Kids Christmas fashion, red dress and green dress with white stripes. A-M Gallery Newtown.
Street Fashion Sydney - shot with the Fujifilm X-Pro1.

A-M Gallery

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

At Central Station - Nike Runners, Snakeskin Leggings, Sportswear..

Spotted waiting for a friend at Central Station, Thandiwe was sporting a great summery day ensemble, a classic black and white combination, rope handle tote bag with black trim, black singlet over the black and white 'snake skin' sports leggings down to black Nike runners with a white swoosh; and to me really, the, Pièce de rĂ©sistance, pink soles adding just a hint of colour. And lovely accessories too, rings bangles and earring, Bindi and big round sunnies. Thanks so much Thandiwe for letting me grab this shot.

Bindi, Black and white fashion, Central Station, Fujifilm X-Pro1,Street Fashion, Street Style, Gym Wear, Nike Runners, Sportswear, Sydney Australia, Tote Bag,

Street Fashion Sydney - shot with the Fujifilm X-Pro1.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Cross Training - Chloe Moo - Tiger, Lorna, Nike - Off Duty Model!

Well I am just going to Fess-Up right NOW and say I think the whole 'Off Duty' Model/Whomever thingie is a complete crock; obviously invented by some desk jockey who hates their job. For those of us in the creative Industries; well, we are never really Off-Duty - and quite happy to be just so. I think you see my point...

This is Chloe Moo; a beautiful young model from Viviens. First my assistant photographed her at (my job as a real photographer head office) the Balmain Studio. Then my colleague, who carries the Studio's weight photographed Chloe. And as chance would have it, when I was swinging by to pick up backgrounds and stands for my formal fashion photography work; Chloe was at the studio picking up some prints from her shoot with Gilbert. I mean what's a photographer to do? The light was right, the X-Pro1 was on my shoulder as it should be; Chloe's 'off duty' "but I'm in my gym clothes" look was suburb!  Fuchsia Lorna Jane sports vest, black Nike Leggings and Onitsuka Tiger 'Bubble Gum' runners; no it's not a sponsored post but if I work it hard enough... well you never know! So here is the shot. Yes another rare single picture, another Street Fashion Style shot. I think I am getting a little looser with the Fuji - back (in a small way) to the "best of the blurry" but with a look and feel like the shots never had before!

Street Fashion Sydney - shot with the Fujifilm X-Pro1

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Off-Duty Burlesque Performer - Hedy Belle Nova!

I spotted the diminutive Burlesque performer Miss Hedy Belle Nova in Off-Duty attire in Paddington the other day. Loved her Cotton On chintz print play suit teamed with a little black cardigan (one of many from her collection - not all black.. or so I'm told) teamed with a pair of Melissa shoes and equally sweet (looks can be deceiving) novelty headband with Skull & Cross Bones - all in pink/magenta colours. All together creating a great look for Sydney in Spring. I think Hedy should incorporate more vocals into her Burlesque routines too so we can all enjoy her charming Russian accent. If you are interested in seeing Hedy perform, perhaps the best place to keep in touch is via her Twitter feed here or watch her performance in the YouTube video below...

Hedy Bell Nova, Chintz print play suit and Melissa Shoes - Fujifilm X-Pro1 - Street Fashion Sydney

Hedy Bell Nova, Chintz print play suit Skull and Cross bones Head Band - Street Fashion Sydney

Seen in Paddington, photographed with the Fujifilm X-Pro1.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Pastel Red & White - Cuban Style, Sydney Spring

 Cuban Style, well if I was listening correctly this beautiful young woman hails from Cuban shores. I loved pastel red jacket (according to Wikipedia anyway) and matching rope tie sandals, white button tee over shorts and a white watch too. Perfect styling for a Sydney Spring evening.. Pastel red jacket and matching rope sandals, white button front tee shirt and matching watch - Street Fashion Sydney

Sydney Style, Pastel red jacket and matching rope sandals, white button front tee shirt and matching watch.

Seen in Paddington, photographed with the Fujifilm X-Pro1.